Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pissing Funk

So i drank my double espresso, as i tend to do every few days-if not a triple, and when i went to the bathroom my urine smelled like coffee. Not the first time this has happened.

I think when i ate an abundance of asparagus a couple-uh-times my piss smelled wild then too.

Beets made me think i had hemmrhoids a few times too..

Wonder what other amazing, 'altering,' foods exist.


mahriela said...

I've never had my pee smell like anything but pee.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE coffee but being a diuretic I could do without it.

Not to mention it stains my teeth/

you my friend are bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

coffee does that to me too.

this is caviar

Anonymous said...
