Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random Post

So, I'm back from one of the best vacations of my life. Hit up Gold Country, did the hiking thing, the cooking thing, even went to the hot springs. So fresh. No time to write a real blog. So happy to be home but wish i never would've left.

Oh, also, I'm 27.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Well, for one, this is the first 4/20 in about 7 years I haven't partaken. I guess yesterday was the first 4/19 too, though, so whatevs.. I quit smoking. Finally had what i consider a 'good enough' excuse. You know, besides the health/motivation issues. The power of the fairer sex...

Anyway, new direction with this blog. More gunna be a chronicle of what's going on with me, i think, than me analyzing random shit you [probably didn't] care about [anyway].

Today was long and tiring, but I feel fairly accomplished. Me and Keith (the coworker/future business partner) mapped out a few ideas for our living plant walls. Several different blueprints for possible designs. One is really looking promising. Went to Home Depot after work and couldn't find any un-bended sheet metal. Ridiculous. The hunt for a 2'x4' (or larger) sheet begins.

Also feeling more encouraged about the whole gardening/urban beautification thing. My friend wants to work with me, which is always nice, and hopefully will lead to something [even more] exciting.

I'm beat from this random ass weather, rain, sun, hella rain, hella sun, etc. Think I'm gunna take a nap. Just didn't want to let the day go buy without starting this blog back up.

More to come, folks.