Sunday, June 24, 2007

Like Mike, If I Could Be Like Mike..

Jackson. Yes, most controversial title yet but there's just something about little boys...

Okay, that joke went long enough. I did, however, go to the doctor today. I mentioned to him that i have the sickle cell trait and that turned into a subject about race. After mentioning how much easier life would be if i was white he informed me that might just be possible.

Apparently there's a new technology to actually morph your features and pigment to favor a race of your choice. I was leaning towards white, though asian has its perks. While i was at it decided to see how being west asian would work for me.

Here's the original pic we used as a reference: Free Image Hosting at

east asian
Free Image Hosting at
west asian
Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at

I mean, mixed ian is cool, but the possibilities that open up with being one race are endless...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

west asian yay for u.